COMPLETE engine and compressor monitoring.
COMPLETE engine and compressor monitoring.
Waukesha Engine and Detechtion Technologies developed the SkidIQ Gas Compression product suite, a cloud-based digital solution, to help operators improve efficiency, reduce emissions and reduce operating expenses.
By combining Waukesha engine analytics with Detechtion’s real-time compressor monitoring and optimization technology, SkidIQ optimizes the full skid package in an integrated and user-friendly platform.
With operators remotely monitoring, analyzing and optimizing full compressor skids in real time, the development of SkidIQ marks a significant milestone in the energy sector’s transition toward decarbonization.
key features
The innovative solution for natural gas compressor operators and gas compression leasing companies, SkidIQ’s single cloud-based platform enables operators to quickly identify and resolve issues for reduced downtime and optimized throughput – with features including:
Targeted Troubleshooting
Compressor and engine fault code troubleshooting with direct access to the Waukesha E-help manual.
Real-Time Analytics
Complete compressor and engine analytics for a deeper understanding of skid’s performance and real-time identification of needed improvements.
Superior Functionality
Engine balance plots to highlight any malfunctioning power cylinders within the engine and engine triaxial plots to detail engine operating conditions over time.
With SkidIQ, we have created a digital solution that is both comprehensive and easy to use. We are excited to partner with Detechtion to help customers enhance their operations and reduce their emissions.”
Waukesha | Detechtion
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